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The ultimate "Vision to Change"

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By Arun Dahal Khatri

He woke up with fantastic dreams. He saw Elon Musk was working on the project of SpaceX. He Perceived a glimpse of Jeff Bojos and viewed the fruit of Amazon. Mr . Ideaz, an X years old business mind, made different dream projects. But dreams are different from reality. He is an enthusiastic young mind. He believes in the ideas more than anything and implementing the ideas to complete the project is one of the finest things he wanted to do. He wanted to see Nepal as one of the most well-developed countries. When he visits any place at first he recognizes the probability of change. If he got a river in his path he thinks about hydropower and the possibility to convert the flowing water into the brightness of the light.

 Dreams will become true if you follow the dreams simultaneously”

 He wanted to change the conservative thoughts related to finance and economics from Nepal and bring financial success. He wanted to see Nepal at the top of a well-developed country list rather than an underdeveloped one. When 18 plus young minds are engaging in entertainment, he is working with an intelligent investor, security analysis, and personal MBA.His thoughts are different from others. He believes that Nepal needs to be recognized as a well-known economic hub more than the birthplace of Sita. He sees the possibilities of wind turbines and solar panel energy and believes in the power of sustainable development.

 “Self-education is one of the greatest weapons which you can use to change the perspective of development.”

The country needs to provide the facilities of education. That education is real and can be used. He believes that the education system is one of the indicators of the Nation’s future well-being. 

 “A person having with ideas is worth more than a group having with degrees”

He recognizes the huge possibilities of the young Nepalese mind. He wanted to mobilize every young mind in the prosperity of Nepal. Eco-tourism is one of the greatest possibilities in Nepal. While using google he accepts the fact that one day Nepal will have its search engines. He wanted to boost the originality of Nepal around the world and wanted to sell the happiness and tolerance of Nepalese people in the world tourism market.

 But the fact is inverse to the ideas. He believes but he is unable to attain, he accepts but unable to do, he trusts but that is inadequate.

Making things happen is one of the complicated tasks. Every task can take huge time, dedication, and energy but it doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.

 “The more you do, the more you get”

 Never suspect your ideas if the idea is greater than your ability and never throw your potential in the dustbin if your idea is valuable because it might be worth more than other things in your home.

Once  Aristotle said,” All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, desire.”

 Human needs to focus on their ability and never hesitate to take one step more because it will give them the sensation of self-power.

He has a great desire to change but the unprecedented circumstances have been changing his desire. But working with challenges is one of the greatest movements for him.

 Let us face the challenges of his dream project together and make his dream come true to make every Nepalese people’s dream

#Project :1 The Solar City

Mark Mansion said once” If you are young, everything is new and exciting, and everything seems to matter so much”, Solar project is an old chapter and everyone in this world already heard this project once and I don’t think that this is a new phenomenon. But actually, it is a different case than others. He doesn’t like duplicate ones but he wants to make himself-creation not only for himself but for others as well.

 He wanted to make smart solar cities in the upper hills of Nepal. Still, people are not getting enough electricity but the young dream is real and achievable.


Ideaz: I am sure I will do this

You: I am not getting your ideas, It costs too much you can't handle it

Ideaz: Just follow me

You: why?

Ideaz: I will give you some books please read and come again.


I am sure that you are unable to understand the above conversation but I will solve your problems kindly.

At first, everyone talks about your ability, let them talk and then If you start something they start to gossip and at last, if you finish your project successfully then they congratulate you because at that time they don’t have another path to humiliate your ideas. accomplishment is the greatest thing in life but your hard work and smartness toward your deduction are more than that.

 Boom! It’s time to think

 He wanted to see the city with a beautiful solar panel, not the same as Elon Musk’s project. He is trying to give something beautiful to the people. Until now people of the hilly region of Nepal are not getting a single solar panel but the time has gone far away. Let us celebrate the new era of the solar project.

 I am an Ideaz Designer and Namaste everyone. At first, I never promise anything I commit because committing makes me happen, but promising makes me out of happening. I have designed a city where everythings will be special. Every ray of sun will dance in our panels and every panel will provide us proper energy. It is my mission to change the present situation of people. This is my mission to supersede non-renewable energy and I believe in myself I will complete this project. I think It sounds not smooth but the project will be smoother than sound.

It is very hard for me but It will be achievable because I believe in my ingenuity. The solar project can enhance the overall energy level of Nepal. It will help to boost the economic condition of Nepal. I dream of creating a city with a house with a solar panel on the top of the roof and at every moment I like to create energy.

 Future depends upon you; you need to depend upon ideas”

 Interestingly, The project will be systematic and structural. We have seen different solar projects in the world. Most of the countries started to increase the manufacturing of solar panels with the view to conserve biodiversity. In various parts of the world, countries began the hybrid project with the view to producing solar energy. Thailand is creating one of the world’s biggest floating hydro-solar hybrid projects. The project will generate 2725 megawatts of electricity which is more than the total production of electricity in Nepal through hydropower. Therefore, The solar projects in Nepal have an enthusiasm to create benefits for the national economy.

 I dream of creating a solar hub in Nepal and utilizing every photon cell properly to boost the national economy.

 Dream can be true but to be true you need to be true”

 Starting a project is not an easy phenomenon but it will require a high level of structural design. Not only the game of mind but also the financial stuff. It is okay if you have ideas but you need to be properly prepared with the financial tools because it will be very hard without finance.

 The above sound seems pessimistic, but in reality, we need to design the river of finance. And the most struggling part is to create a source of finance. Don’t worry! My design can work but I need to follow the structure. Create your network, prepare your financial estimation, boost up your learning language and create well-designed ideas. I did all these types of exercises and came to a conclusion and at first, the conclusion said to me you are in general trend you need to change your trend and accept another and follow.

#Project:2 Financial hub

 IF we see Nepal and compare it with other economies then we can observe various optimistic parts of Nepal. Nepal is one of the growing economies in Asia. The economic growth is continuously growing and the most successive part is people are engaging in financial activities. Investment has been growing continuously. The Nepalese capital market is increasing every year.

 “If you become active in optimistic trend then you will become a success in pessimistic time”

 He has a dream to create a financial hub in Nepal. A small effort can change people's lives. He believes that earning cannot make people rich, but his spending and investing habits can determine his financial success in life. He is going to make a special team including skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower with the view to creating a financial program within Nepal. People need to understand simple mathematics. If they do, they can achieve financial success. Financial education is not rocket science so everyone can understand finance and if they give their interest and dedication then they will achieve a high level of skill in their life and can mobilize their financial resources in a standard way.

I have a dream to make everyone financially welfare. People think that financial activities need a lot of technical methodologies but in reality, everyone can understand the terms of finance and can use them in their life.

 Often we choose the regular path, let us walk new one”

 My readers are worried about my thoughts and most of my readers are not getting my ideas. Don’t worry I am with you. I am especially adding a network of different financial institutions and business enterprises and focusing on creating a web with the view to provide financial and investment facilities to the people of Nepal. Most of the investing institutions of Nepal are concerned in the capital city and major cities but I am focusing and searching for a way to give the same level of priority to the people of the rural part of Nepal.

 A small effort can change people's lives. If we wanna become a financial success then we need to be concerned about the way we are performing daily with money. I have been working in the successive design of financial projects and I have designed a lot of ideas to make the financial hub in Nepal. Just like the Silicon Valley in the USA and Bangalore in India for the IT hub, I am designing the financial hub in Nepal. It might sound like madness but I am mad with ideas.

#Project :3 Real business school

 I have seen a lot of business schools in the world. If we talk about the best business school in the world then we can pronounce the name of the London school of economics, Harvard business school, MIT Sloan School of Management, and so on. But in the case of Nepal, I have never seen such a school whose goal is to teach the relevant business ideas. I am not blaming Nepal's business school but I am against the way they treat and what they give their students. A person who became bankrupt in business came and taught us how we can achieve the business objectives? As a student of business school as well I have seen a lot of things which are not suitable with the condition. If the student started something new then the first question and doubt arise from his teacher rather than giving the right framework.

 The proper guidance and motivation can help anyone to achieve success”

 He has designed a business school where the ocean of ideas will be created. He wants to make a special school where students can know how they become an entrepreneur and how they can define their life themselves. He wants to give world-class facilities to Nepalese students because he believes that the potential of Nepalese students is very high and can compete anywhere in the world if they get the proper platform. He wanted to give world-class facilities with the world's best professors.

 Yes, it will take a lot of effort. He will face various political jeopardy because in Nepal if you are serving for wellbeing then you will be treated as a third-class human being. But he has made a structural plan to make success his dream. He wanted to call everyone to join the team and make the plan successful.

 Right now you can find various young minds having 2 and 3 degrees but you rarely find young minds who read the 2 and 3 business books written by world-class scholars. I have a bachelor's degree having a girl but she doesn’t know the simple way of solving marketing problems. The business education of Nepal is in poor condition. If anyone thinks that I will study the BBA and MBA and do better business without his self-effort then I am suggesting you please keep your investment in a safe place because no one will come and teach you a better business idea they only try to make you a business fool. However, again I am not trying to demotivate you but to think and study the facts about the topics. You need to get a better education and the concept if you wanna become a successful business person. But better business education and concepts are lacking in Nepal.

 Ideaz is also a student of business but he never learns the concept from Nepalese business school he has learned the concept from his business school named Ideaz Designer business room where he got various ideas and a lot of scholarly lectures including. He believes in Blue ocean strategy, Think and grow Rich, Zero to One, Rich dad Poor dad, Why nations fail, Poor Economics, The wealth of nations, The Personal MBA .etc


Note: In an article, I have used the masculine gender to make a simple understanding. Mr.ideaz is not a gander it's a business mind.